Monday, May 14, 2007

Hovering over the "details"
This weekend we had a special Army event. There was a lot of planning and preparation involved...something that is essential for a project to be a success. BUT...(there is always a but)...when do we prepare and plan and when do we hover? You know what I mean...worrying over something nonessential or that are too late to do anything about. Do we do this in our ministry? Have you ever found that at the end of the day, week, month, or year you have been toiling away at something that was in the end a "waste"? Worrying over things totally unimportant, fighting battles for temporary "rightness", or wanting to change something that is really out of your hands? Something at the time seemed like a good the end was ridiculous? What do you do when faced with this reality? What do you do to avoid this situation? When does careful planning and attention to detail turn into nitpicking and hovering over the insignificant?


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