Monday, May 07, 2007

I taught a session this weekend at Youth Councils about being Visible in Our Communication. The focus was primarily about internet sites, email, text messaging, youtube, and cell phones. We talked a great deal about being REAL. Who we are in one situation should not change in the next. For instance, who I am at the corps shouldn't be different from who I am who I am at my my circle of friends...(I think you get the point). But, my question to you is...what if the "real you" isn't what people expect? How do we combat the need to fit in...the desire to look the part without offending? Do we at times become chameleons in order to get our "message" across? Hmm....discuss.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger Bret said...

Well, maybe not so much Chameleons . . .

I think we need to realize who we are in Christ. When we fail, we’re not being true to who we really are (in Christ) . . . When we get up and press on and try again and recommit, then we are on the right track.

Not so much a Chameleon, but maybe a sheep in wolf’s clothing . . . I don’t know. I just know that sometimes we don’t look like who we really are - Disciples of Christ.

Good post.



At 12:20 PM, Blogger Nicole_Marietta said...

The more I think about chameleons, I get the point. Although they adapt to the environment around them, they don't change from what they are...chameleons are chameleons (not a lion one minute, a butterfly the next). used an illustration with DVD's and their covers. I can change the outside as many times as I want, but in the end I am who I am. Eventually though we will forget what's inside if we play the game too "well". Even in our "tamed" or "watered down" image, we still are who we claim to be. BUT too often we become a whole new person that those in the community would not describe the same as those in our corps...changing ourselves to blend and fit in.


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