Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Staples has a commercial where an office is facing a difficult situation...someone pulls out the easy button and the problem is solved immediately. Sometimes I need to find that "easy" button for my ministry. Visitation, sermon prep, programming, fundraising, evangelism, music, volunteers, camps...the list goes on and on. No, this is not a continuation of the last post...I just wonder, how do we make ministry a team effort? When did the Church lose its calling to ministry? I'm talking about everyone in the body of believers having a sense of personal ministry. When was the line drawn between the minister and the congregation when it comes to encouraging and building up the entire body? Have we become so me-centered in our worship that we can't see beyond our own needs? Have we become so me-centered in our ministry that we can only do the things that benefit us? Have we lost the sense of personal sacrifice when it comes to ministry? If Jesus felt the need to initially include 12 men in His earthly ministry (the number increased throughout His ministry--although not mentioned by name) why are we any different? In a church of 20...we should find 20 active ministers; in a church of 50...we should find 50 active ministers. Why is this not being practiced, taught, or understood by the Church? Comments please...


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Bret said...

Great post.

1. Accountability (you mentioned this a while back).

2. Failing to train leaders.

3. Low expactations.

4. Untrained Officers

5. A commitment to religous tradition.

I could go on. . . It's all very complex. Even the best officers in the world can't fix the problems of the average Corps in the time that they have. (four years- sometimes less).

Leaders of effective ministries have responsabilities that are focused and limited.

Keep wrestling. . . Keep asking questions. . . Keep challenging the status quo. . .



At 8:57 PM, Blogger Bret said...

Also, here is a survey I'm doing in relation to my latest blog. If you have a minute, take the survey. . .it'll take about two minutes. It is in relation to the uniform and the mission of the Army . . . ie, see the blog.



PS Feel free to forward this to whoever you want. The more surveys completed the better.


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