S.E.E.D.S. Vision
At the Rochester Corps we have adapted the word S.E.E.D.S to help us fulfill the mission of The Salvation Army in our community:
S- Seek. We believe that God wants all of us to seek out the hurting, the lonely, and those who need our assistance. This includes the poor, the elderly, the single parent, the troubled teenager, and many others in our community.
E-Educate. There’s an old saying “If you give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day, if you teach a man to fish he’ll eat for a lifetime”. We believe that meeting the immediate needs of individuals are important, but we must couple that with tools they can use in their daily lives.
E-Empower. We understand that we cannot do the work alone. We challenge our congregation to participate in all aspects of ministry to our hurting community. We make ways for others in the community to become a part of the ministry we have at The Salvation Army. There are so many gifted and talented people that are willing to give of their time and financial resources for someone else’s benefit.
D-Disciple. Our co-founders William and Catherine Booth understood that if people are hungry in their stomachs they will miss the hunger in their souls for Christ. By meeting the physical and immediate needs we hope to have the door open to meet their spiritual needs as well. We also believe and are dedicated to ministries that will strengthen the present congregation to cultivate their spritual gifts and talents.
S-Serve. Everything we do in The Salvation Army is in service and for the glory of God. This element is what makes the mission and the vision of The Salvation Army effective. Our service stems from our love for God and for humanity.
Hi Captain Nicole! How did Bible School go? I hope well! Well, I started classes last week and from the insane work load, I ended up dropping one. It wasn't an easy decision, but I want to learn my career well...not just float through it with half-asked work.
My favorite class this semester is non-western cultures. Right now were talking about the history of Islam. I don't know much about it so I'm excited to learn more. Were going to talk about the history of Iraq too. The other cultures covered are India, Japan, and China.
My brother made it successfully to college and seems to be doing well so far. Which I'm so thankful to God for. My mom seems to be doing well too. She got asked to be a volunteer youth leader for the youth group at her church. She turned it down b/c she had made a prior committment...however, she might do it in the Spring.
Oh, I have an actual blog that I update on a more regular basis. The blogspot one is so I can make comments on others. Anyway if, you ever get the urge or time, check out: www.xanga.com/anniebuck
Annie Buckles
Hey Annie! I'm so glad that things are working out. See, God knows the small and big issues in our lives (I still am amazed at how He does that).
Bible School went well. We made contact with 30 new children and we met many of their parents as well. It's good that the new Sunday School contest is so soon because it's our bridge and follow up from VBS (Again, God knows what we need).
I'll definitely check out your blog! It was so great "hearing" from you!
Ok, so if you didn't know...God does answer prayer!
I've had an amazing growth spurt this year in my faith! I thank God for answering (in His time and in His way) the prayers of His people. I also praise Him for the opportunities I've had to tell people about His unbelievable work! When they say, I don't know why but I'm here: I know it's an answer to prayer!
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